• Context: Gouda is our pet rat

    Bean: we should have a Gouda watch

    Me: a Gouda watch? Like a live stream of Gouda

    Bean: no like updates like pictures and his thoughts

    Me: his thoughts

    Bean: yes he has many thoughts, he’s a whore

    Me: he’s a whore? Ah yes the virgin whore.

    … Several minutes pass and I start writing this

    Me: OH! Now I get it

  • Bean: are you laughing cause I’m cute or cause you got distracted by something on your phone

    Me: you for being cute

    Bean: cool, if it was the phone thing I was gonna be a little offended

    Me: well you read Ao3 all the time while I’m being cute

    Bean: well your cute all the time, I’m just cute some of the time

    Me: well then you don’t need to read for entertainment, just look at me